Bodybuilders Perfect Stretching Methods:

Stretching Before a Workout:

There is a lot of controversy these days about pre-workout stretching.  The truth is that it will not make a huge difference if a bodybuilder does some light stretches before a workout. But do you remember that scale of stretching that I mentioned before?

Before a workout, to achieve an optimal muscle building environment for a bodybuilder, or optimum strength for an athlete or strength-focused lifter, healthy muscles that fall close to the middle of that scale is what we want.

Stretching For Strength:

If you look around any commercial gym, you're likely to see a variety of activities taking place: strength training, aerobics, simulated bicycle riding, people doing god-knows-what on a vibrating stability platform, and of course, good stretching.

Stretching Before and after activity:

Light stretching after your warm-up followed by a more thorough stretching regimen after your workout is your best bet. With your new-found knowledge of the proper techniques and benefits of stretching, it will be easy to incorporate this activity into your exercise/rehabilitation regimen. Here are a few good stretches to try:

Bodybuilders Stretching Routine:

Dynamic Stretching is a bit too advanced for a beginner, as it requires a lot of patience and it delivers an immense amount of pain. 

This will likely turn you away from stretching, so just stick with the basics for now. As you get more advanced, you can get into Dynamic Stretching. 

This will stimulate Hyperplasia (Splitting of the Muscle Fibers), which will result in fuller looking muscles.
Why Bodybuilder Warm Up ?

You want the obvious? Yeah, I can do obvious. You see the obvious answer all the time:  Mostly people complaining about how agonizing this pain in his back is. 

Hurt it lifting a case of pop out of his wife's trunk after getting groceries. What? A case of pop! Injury prevention is the number one reason to warm up. How's that for obvious. 

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