Bodybuilding Simple Steps

Bodybuilding Simple Steps:

There are some simple steps that you can take to achieving that fit body that you always wanted to have! Here are the steps you need to build a healthy body!

Beginner Mistakes:

The first day I arrived at the gym I was overwhelmed by all the weights, machines and other gadgets they had. Looking back I realize that I made many mistakes... Here are 10 mistakes beginners make and tips for success.

Work on Building Muscles:

While you always have your crowd of people, more and more are starting to turn away from cardio to work on building muscle. Here's a great plan to do just that. Try it out now and start feeling better about yourself. Good luck!


Possibly the most intimidating thing for any beginner is simply getting started... If you're a beginner looking to get started on the road to fat loss, this is your best place to start. Here's an easy-to-follow plan for fast results.

Toning Program:

You don't want to become overly huge and bulky yet you do want to be stronger and have some attractive curves. Here's what you need to get started on a toning program that will deliver results. Sample workout included.

Gym and Healthy Food:

The hardest part of getting into shape is by far getting started. People drive by gyms and health food stores every day, many of them thinking they should really start a training program along with a good diet.

Diet Program:

As you get thinking about starting up a workout and diet program, there are some important factors that you need to make sure you don't overlook first. Here's what you will want to consider before your first workout.

Mind Set:

Your performance will increase exponentially once you get off the dated mindset of 'no pain, no gain'. Below are a few key points that I have seen proven and will make the biggest difference in your training..

Basics of Bodybuilding:

We all know the basics of bodybuilding but at times we forget a few details that can make all the difference. Here are 60 short reminders to get you to the next level in your quest for transformation.

Training Guide:

I was bullied, pushed around, and was the butt of every joke. Bodybuilding changed that. Looking for a way out of the gloom? Find success and strength with this detailed beginner's training guide!

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