Beginner Fitness Tips

Beginner Fitness Tips:

Starting your fitness journey with a little bit of education can go a long way toward your future success. Here are 10 tips that every beginner needs to read!

Make Fitness:

It's easy to jump on and off the exercise bandwagon. If you plan to make fitness part of your lifestyle, check out these 12 must-read beginner tips!

Muscle Building:

Being new to weightlifting is one of the biggest muscle-building advantages you can have. Here's how to maximize your rewards.


Education is one of the most important tools in a gym-goer's repertoire. Learn a little more about training, nutrition, and supplementation from these 10 pros!

Stop Spinning:

Stop spinning your wheels and get on the road to competitive success. Stop exercising and start training! Learn the difference here.

Weight Training:

If you're new to the world of weight training, you might feel isolated in your ignorance. Don't get left behind! Get the knowledge you need to get started right here.

Body Transformation:

Even if you feel ready to begin a body transformation, you may not know where to start. This guide will help you get going and ensure that you're set for success.

Inexperienced in Fitness:

We have all been there at one time or another, inexperienced in fitness and joining a gym for the first time. You are nervous and unsure what you are supposed to do..

Muscle Building Workouts:

Understanding the requirements of muscle-building workouts and which principles are going to give you optimal results will be important for putting your best foot forward. Here are some tricks you can start using today!

Build up Your Strength:

If you're trying to build up your strength then look no further than the pullup. See the benefits that this simple exercise has on the body!

Corner of Gym:

It was ninety-nine degrees outside, and in that particular corner of the gym, it may have been a couple degrees hotter. The following story offers an idea that is sure to beat the summertime blues.

Chemical Free Growth:

In just a few short minutes, Ric lays out an entire plan for chemical-free growth. Subjects include laying a foundation with powerlifting, meal frequency, exercise rotation, supplements.

Loose Training:

Does loose training form have a legitimate place in a bodybuilder's workout? Once you find that balance, muscle growth is almost unlimited in potential. I vowed to find that balance.

Your Are Best:

Are you doing what's best for you, or what someone else told you are best? Don't be afraid to be your own person in the gym and break away from the crowd. It may be the best choice you ever make!

Natural Bodybuilders:

No one can deny that the subculture of bodybuilding is catching on like wildfire! For you natural bodybuilders, don't get dismayed by trainers who encourage 'unatural' ways to gain muscle. Find out how to build your education to see results!

Great Back:

It was only when they turned around that I saw Carl was going to sweep the class easily after all. Rick's back just wasn't that impressive. Had Rick built a great back with great effort he could have won.

Better Physique:

'You know, you could have a much better physique if you gave your muscles a chance to grow.' Here's a great tale about a kid who was clearly in need of intervention and why it's important to stimulate your muscles and eat better.

Training Partner:

One thing about having a training partner.  It helps to keep the nuts away. Now, it was open season. The following story is a perfect example of knowledge not applied.


From work to working out I have been everywhere. Here's more about my training, injury setbacks, and a special vacation that led to huge motivation.

Muscle Building Plan:

If you're a beginner just getting started on a muscle-building plan, you're likely feeling slightly intimidated. Luckily, as a beginner, you are in the perfect position to start. Here are the main points you should know.

Best Core Exercises:

First up, learn about the best core exercises and proper form for working chest, shoulders, and triceps.

Husband and Wife Bodybuilders:

As husband and wife bodybuilders, we both got a lot of questions asking 'how we got this way'. Of course, this episode is no different and reveals how going through the motions is not simply not enough.

Regain Body:

Is it possible for me to regain the body I once had and put on some muscle at my age? You can, but you will have to take a different approach. Here's a complete training program for a better over-40 physique.

Failure or Reps:

Ever wondered what the terms set, failure or reps meant when you stared at an exercise program with a blank expression drawn across your face? You need not to scratch your head anymore.

Target Training:

Get specific workouts and anatomy lessons for each muscle in this 10 Bodypart Target Training Series.

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