Bodybuilder Weight Categories

Bodybuilder Weight Categories:

Figure out your lean body mass. Take your current total weight and subtract the amount of fat you have on your body:

LBM = Total Weight-(Total Weight * bodyfat %)

Add the appropriate amount of fat back on to your LBM.

For Men: LBM * 1.1 (adds 10% body fat)

For Women = LBM *1.19 (adds 19% body fat)


Weight In Kgs:

50 kg ≤ 50.00
56 kg 50.01 – 56.00
62 kg 56.01 – 62.00
69 kg 62.01 – 69.00
77 kg 69.01 – 77.00
85 kg 77.01 – 85.00
94 kg 85.01 – 94.00
+94 kg        ≥ 94.01


Weight In Kgs:

44 kg ≤ 44.00
48 kg 44.01 – 48.00
53 kg 48.01 – 53.00
58 kg 53.01 – 58.00
63 kg 58.01 – 63.00
69 kg 63.01 – 69.00
+69 kg        ≥ 69.01


Weight In Kgs and Pounds:

Kgs:                                                            Pounds:

56 kg ≤ 56.00kg                                              123.3 pounds
62 kg 56.01kg – 62.00kg                               123.22 pounds-136.4 pounds
69 kg 62.01kg – 69.00kg                               136.422 pounds-151.8 pounds
77 kg 69.01kg – 77.00kg                                151.822 pounds-169.4 pounds
85 kg 77.01kg – 85.00kg                                169.422 pounds-187 pounds
94 kg 85.01kg – 94.00kg                               187.002 pounds-206.8 pounds
105 kg        94.01kg – 105.00kg                    206.822 pounds-231 pounds
+105 kg      ≥ 105.01kg                                   231.002 pounds


Weight In Kgs and Pounds:

Kgs:                                                                     Pounds:

48 kg ≤ 48.00kg                                                     105.6 pounds
53 kg 48.01kg – 53.00kg                                      105.622 pounds-116.6 pounds
58 kg 53.01kg – 58.00kg                                     116.622 pounds-127.6 pounds
63 kg 58.01kg – 63.00kg                                     127.622 pounds-138.6 pounds
69 kg 63.01kg – 69.00kg                                     138.622 pounds-151.8 pounds
75 kg 69.01kg – 75.00kg                                      151.822 pounds-165 pounds
+75 kg        ≥ 75.01kg                                            165.022 pounds

Muscles and Fat Burn: 

It is different for everyone, where you can add muscle and burn fat. I recently did it over the past ten weeks simply with body weight exercises and some boxing and running. I added about 12lbs of muscle and cut about 2.5% body fat I was starting to get a little flabby... Had I concentrated specifically on losing fat, I probably could have cut off a lot more, but it may have been at the expense of losing muscle mass which I didn't want to do.

Maintain Your Level:

Ideally, your goal is to at least maintain your current level of LBM while the fat is burned off. If your LBM starts to fall, you need to eat more (good food) and ensure you are still doing some strength training.

So many people think that they are going to get on a treadmill and run off pounds of fat all while still eating the refined sugars, flours, sweets, deep fried death and other crap all day. If this is your plan, don't bother going to the gym at all - you're doomed to be fat forever.

Mistakes For Muscles Gain:

Some people make the mistake of trying to maximize fat loss and muscle gain at the same time. While it can be done, primarily with people who are new to training, they really aren't meant to happen at the same time. Losing fat is the result of a caloric deficit. Gaining muscle requires a caloric surplus. You can't have a deficit and a surplus at the same time.

Make Your Plan:

Your first goal should be to achieve your ideal natural weight class. For most people that means cutting some fat off your body. Once you've achieved your natural weight class, you may find that you'd like to change the look of your body and add some muscle to move up in weight classes. Moving up should be the result of adding muscle, not fat to your body.

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