Teenagers and Bodybuilding

Teenagers and Bodybuilding:

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a medical evaluation before children and adolescents begin a strength-training program. Also recommended are starting with lighter weights to develop proper form, regular cardio exercise and avoiding heavy weightlifting until full growth is reached. The most common injuries younger bodybuilders experience are muscle strains, mostly to the lower back.

Between 20 and 30 most people have reached full growth, and at 20, you can safely begin building up to lifting heavier weights. This is the time of life that allows you to lift the most weight with the shortest necessary recovery time. Take advantage of these years to bulk up and you will be less affected in the future by the gradual loss of muscle that occurs naturally with aging.

The muscle recovery period for 20-year-olds after working out with maximum force is about two days. By age 30, four days of recovery time may be required. These recovery periods, vary by individual, however, according to World Fitness Network. Beginners lifting lighter weights will need only about two days, while those who lift extremely heavy weights may need as many as seven days, regardless of age.

At age 30, muscle strength and recovery ability have decreased due to aging by about 10 percent from age 20 and are declining at a rate of about 1 percent per year, according to Exercise Prescription on the Internet. Thereafter, a weight reduction of 5 percent every 10 years is recommended.

The muscle recovery time after heavy weightlifting will increase from about four days at age 30 to about seven days by age 50. Trying to force your body to perform as it did during your 20s will produce less muscle gain and may result in injury: To achieve the most growth of mass and strength during this time, pay attention to your body’s changes and adjust your workouts as needed:

As you age, muscle, bone and connecting tissue mass naturally decrease along with hormone production. Research shows that bodybuilding counteracts this effect, even in people over 90 years old. After age 50, reductions in weight and increases in rest time should be made based on individual needs. Professional bodybuilders compete in their 60s, 70s and 80s -- some after having started in their 50s, 60s or older -- staying strong and looking much younger than their actual ages.

The men or women who, over the years and by accident or design, built a foundation of muscle, fed themselves decently and treated their body fairly are rare and far ahead of their neighbors. They can step into a training program and proceed without the turmoil of emotions and toil of mind necessary to center themselves and aspire.

There's a smart way to go for each of us, depending on our fitness level, experience, constitution, health, means and available time. Here are some non-technical generalizations about aging based on my limited observations:

Testosterone Levels in Children:

Serum testosterone levels increase with each Tanner stage of development, with maximum testosterone levels reached upon adulthood. Scientists commonly use Tanner stages, based on the development of sex-specific traits, to describe the progression of puberty. There are five Tanner stages, with stage 1 describing preadolescent development and stage 5 representing development close to that of an adult.

At Tanner stage 2, or the onset of puberty, serum testosterone levels begin to increase, and at stage 3, testosterone levels are near half the levels of an adult. At stages 4 and 5, levels are approximately 80 percent of adult values. Testosterone-related advantages in bodybuilding are likely to become more apparent as you approach adulthood.

Hazy-days Reminder:

Chest - Bench press or dumbbell fly
Back  - Overhead pulley lat pull down or seated lat rowing motion
Shoulders    - Barbell or dumbbell press or sidearm lateral raise
Biceps          - Barbell curl or dumbbell curl
Triceps         - Dips or pulley push downs
Legs   - Leg press or squat

Men and women, you are building all the main muscles throughout your body for balance, efficiency, health, strength and appearance. And today, what works for him works for her. As the climb continues, the course will change, but not much. That's another matter. For now don't wander from the basics and don't expect miracles beyond the one that you are experiencing. Enjoy yourself and continue to be hopeful and positive -- the perfect environment for muscle building, health and long life.
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