Bodybuilding Ideal Age

Bodybuilding Ideal Age:

Training for Children:

The earliest age where you can expect to see gains in muscle size from resistance training is at the age of adolescence, which is defined by the World Health Organization as about age 10. 

The current position of the National Strength and Conditioning Association is that a properly designed and supervised resistance training program is relatively safe for youth. However, always consult your physician before starting a new exercise program or for any treatment, diagnostic and medical concerns.

30 Age:

Needless to say, the timeless teens and the twenty-some fly high, far and fast. They are not, however, invincible; they strain and they break, they overtrain and complain. Age... it begins.

30-39 Age:

The terrific thirty-some grow, muscularize, further perfect shape and tone, and they gather and apply wisdom. Injuries and plateaus are responsible for the latter. Risk taking, heavy weights and mean persistence do their job yet taken their toll on the hardcore. Growing up and growing older... it continues.

40-49 Age:

The overused over-forty can do wonders to restore his or her health and well-being, control body weight, improve energy, strengthen the back and flatten the stomach. Self-esteem is added to the bargain. There's no time or effort to waste... ever again. Learn more about training after 40, click here!

50-59 Age:

The early fifties rock on as you suspiciously glance over your shoulder. A ding here and a ding there become more frequent and last a little longer and cause more concern. Human nature, I guess. 

To push or not to push, that is the question. We hesitate briefly, yet we don't stall and we don't fall apart. Caution is coolish fear is foolish. We're hanging in there, mister and sister, as we head for sixty.

60-69 Age:

At any age under any circumstances exercise and eating right will support the body, mind and spirit of every participant. The younger you start, the better the foundations. 

The longer you continue, the more durable the structure. The later you start, the more dramatic the life-sustaining renovations you experience. Never to have exercised with at least moderate passion is to have somehow withheld opportunity and dimension from your life. It's never too late to start. Okay, already. What do we do?

Face the facts, consider the consequences and hop in the pool; the water is fine. Exercise, eat right and be happy. Wow. Aren't you glad you're past that stage? To those who are not I usually say something like this...

Age of Champion Bodybuilders:

Arnold Schwarzenegger, a well-known bodybuilder, began weightlifting around age 15 and won Mr. Olympia at age 23, becoming the youngest bodybuilder ever to win the competition. He continued to win Mr. Olympia for the next five years. 

On the other end of the spectrum, Chris Dickerson was the oldest person to win the Mr. Olympia competition at age 43. The average age of Mr. Olympia winners is about 34, showing that there is a wide age range where competitive bodybuilding is possible.

Ideal age to start body building is 18. When all your body growth stops and after 18 you grow gradually and 18 is the perfect age to start body building: If someone asks me then i will recommend him 18 years. 

Because you can bring shape to your body and it’s a best time to make your muscles. I have seen many guys who start body building under the age of 18. In fact many guys start at 14 and it’s not harmful but it may affect your growth, if you are small heighted

People of all ages perform bodybuilding exercises for the increased strength, health and physically fit appearance they produce. These heavy-resistance exercises place a large amount stress on the body, which reacts in different ways at different ages. Changes to your body that affect how it reacts to bodybuilding occur after 20 years and after 50 years of age.

The muscles and skeletons of children and teenagers are not fully grown, so bodybuilding might be best postponed until after age 20. Bodybuilding or strength-training with lighter weights for younger people is safest and most effective when you follow the proper form and workout guidelines for your age group.

Testosterone levels throughout the lifespan can theoretically predict the age most advantageous for bodybuilding, but numerous other influences can contribute to success. Having free time to work out, financial resources to afford a gym membership and maturity and work ethic are some important factors that may be influenced by age.

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