Bodybuilding Kit For Training

Bodybuilding Kit For Training :


The number one question I get asked when someone wants to start lifting is: What do I wear? When you look around the gym, you’ll notice that everyone has their own set of gear and their own set of reasons why they need what they wear. The truth of the matter is: unless you’re injured, when you’re first starting out, you don’t need 90% of the gear you see in the gym (and you really don’t NEED it later on either).

Weightlifting Belt  

These come in both velcro and leather varieties, and can be very useful for the intermediate and advanced lifter. I did not wear one for the first year of lifting, and even after I started wearing one, it was another few months until I was comfortable that I was using it right.

If you’re just starting out, don’t worry about having all the right accessories. Get a good pair of shoes and get started!

Remember, in order to begin strength training you don’t need fancy equipment, you just need equipment in good enough condition to be safe and to serve your purpose. In order to start barbell training, you really only need some sort of squat rack or power rack, a barbell, and weights. In order to start dumbbell training, you just need a few dumbbells.

Have none of these things? No problem. Start strength training with body weight! Up for an adventure? Go outside and find something heavy to pick up; strength training can be done with anything, anywhere.

The most important thing is to get started, right now.


Ignore fashion; wear what’s comfortable. High socks are common on dead lifts day to prevent scraping on your shins, but other than that, it really doesn’t matter. You could do squats in your birthday suit if you want (though I take no responsibility when you get arrested or kicked out of your gym).


The number one piece of “gear” I’ll recommend you get is a good pair of shoes to lift in. Now, good lifting shoes do not need to be expensive! The most important quality of a good lifting shoe is being able to drive through your heels – so a flat sole or solid sole is what you’re looking for. Your classic running shoe will not fit the bill here it’s extremely hard to press through your heels when you’re standing on something as cushy and soft as a running sneaker.

(Note: If you can’t get a better shoe, I would rather you squat in running sneakers than not squat at all.) Your classic Converse Chuck Taylor All Star will work very well here, are affordable, and is what many top power lifters still wear.


Some people like to use gloves to protect their hands from developing callouses while lifting. However, you still get callouses and your hands can rip from under the gloves. Since they can also mess up your grip and technique, I do not recommend wearing them.

Knee/Wrist Wraps

Not to be confused with straps, the main purpose of wraps is support and stability, though some wear wrist wraps to help with grip as well. Some wraps (mainly used for power lifting) are so heavy duty that they feel like a cast, and are only worn only for the lift itself.


Straps are wrapped around the bar and are used to help you hold on. These allow you to hold on to weight longer, or train without exhausting your grip. Great tool for intermediate and advanced lifters, but nothing to worry about in the beginning:

What’s the biggest mistake you made when you started lifting? Or what is the biggest mistake you’re afraid of making?

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