Warm Up Importance For Bodybuilding

Warm Up Importance For Bodybuilding

How Important Is Warming Up?

Go across gyms and schools in the world and you will see people stretching and warming up. Whether it is the local elementary school, the college athletes or even the professionals, everyone is stretching and warming up before their event or activity. We were young, going to school and gym class, we were educated about the importance of stretching before gym class so you.

These rules still apply now, as we are older. Some might think not, but as you get older and your activities get more vigorous it's even more important to stretch. Don't take for granted that 10 minutes you have before your workout session and waste it on checking out the hot girl in front of you.

Grab a mat, and even join that girl in stretching before lifting weights. Always remember that stretching will help your muscles loosen up and get ready for the load ahead. Remember that stretching is not something little kids do and that you should always stretch and warm up before your workout or activity. I've seen people pull muscles in the 100 dash, which is a short amount of time that can cost you months or even years to rehabilitate. 

Warming up is something that should be taken seriously, it's almost like a workout away from the workout. It doesn't take that long, and you are taking a big risk of injury if you don't warm/stretch before you do something. Stretching out and warming up can actually accelerate your gains and results: That way your muscles are fully stretched and ready to go: 

By stretching you make blood flow faster, and that's how muscles are fed. So if you start stretching you just might overcome that plateau you have been stuck at. It's fun and not hard. Think of all the problems you can prevent by warming up Up to 75% of gym go-ers don't warm/stretch.

Most people think it takes too much time. In almost every gym there is a place to stretch out and warm up. Takes about 10 minute of your time:  Can save you from injuries and problems.  Can benefit and help you out on your goals. Should be done before and after (cool down stretch) prevents you from pulling a muscle. It's beneficial and fun. 

Before Workout

Warming up and stretching before your workout is beneficial. It will help you loosen up and that way you will prevent tons of injuries.  Also it will help you get the best of your ability since you muscle will be stretched, and it will be filled with blood flow which will guarantee higher strength and full capability.

If you always struggle with that extra rep and can't get that bar up, don't worry. If you warm up and stretch you will be fine and you will get the benefits. Think about it, it will take only 10 minutes of your time, why not do it and see what happens. Chances are you will notice a positive change.

None of my clients have ever said that they feel worse and their performance has gone down. Sure there have been some non-responders but as a whole, it is positive. Higher reps, higher strength and endurance can be observed as trainees warm up and stretch before their workout.


Stretching before your workout is crucially important. It will give extra blood flow to your muscles which you need, but you will also need it as fast as you can. Also it will warm up the tendons and joints. Tendons and joints are important. Think of them as the 'managers' of the muscles.

Stretching Is Crucially Important

Sure the muscle does all the work, but it needs a joint and tendon to end it, and close the motion. Otherwise you would be curling and benching at the same time (just kidding). By warming up the joints and tendons you will decrease the chance of injury. I've once seen a guy try and military press 225 without warming up. Big, strong guy, looked like he can handle it.

He did one, then two, then on the third rep I heard a loud cracking sound and his left shoulder leveled down. Ouch. Can you imagine the kind of pain he was in? Oh boy, and to think that he could have prevented that by spending 10 minutes of his time warming up his shoulders and rotator cuffs. What a mistake.

Not stretching can cause your whole career to end, and that can be devastating for young guys that are starting out, on the verge of glory and then it all ends, in a split second you injure yourself and commit 'bodybuilding suicide'.  Anyway, remember to stretch after your workout and always play it smart! Helps prevent injuries. Helps ease work of joints and tendons. Warms up the joints and tendons for heavy lifting:  Not hard to do. Takes little time: It's smart and all the pros do it. Warming Up

Warming up can be confused with stretching. By warming up we mean increasing your temperature and your blood flow to muscles. To warm up I would wear a warm up suit. They are very beneficial and will help you keep your muscles warm throughout your workout. Remember that warming up and stretching should not take more than 10-15 minutes, so don't make it a workout and later complain that it is too much.

Perform a job for about 2-4 minutes. While wearing the warm-up suit which will increase your temperature, and get your 'juices going': That way blood flow will reach the muscle before you start working it out and that will help you avoid injury, and increase your performance. After getting a small sweat going, stretch for the remainder of the period with the warm-up suit on. After that remove you suit and hit the weights! See how simple it is? I have actually seen Jay Cutler at training and he swears by warming up.

CEO Muscle:

Even when working out arms, you can see that kid with his suit on always. He removes it for a set, and then puts it back on. Why you ask, well it will help to keep his temperature high, which will help him with his training and progress.

Prevents injury. More blood flow to muscles. Higher muscle performance. Takes little time: Not hard to do. The pros do it. After Workout


Yes, even after your workout stretching will help. By stretching you will get that lactic acid out of there and will be able to recover faster. Lactic acid causes soreness, and that doesn't always feel good. Stretch after your workout and you will minimize the effect and recover at a faster rate. Make sure to drink lots of water which will help. Stretching will lengthen muscles and we all can use that. Also you are treating your joints to extra flexibility and they get stronger as you stretch. This can be beneficial for people that lift heavy and are in danger of tearing up their joints and tendons.

Also stretching after a workout feels good. You get that nice stretch and your muscle is tired... it's almost like a massage. Always stretch after your workout. Sure it might be as long but make sure to get those muscles stretched and relaxed before you hit the showers. Although some people like stretching as water pours on them, nothing wrong with that. I prefer doing it before my shower so I can completely relax and not do anything but to each his own:

Do whatever feels good to your body and whatever makes you recover and grow faster. Feels good: Gets rid of lactic acid:  Reduces soreness. Longer muscles:  Relaxes you. Not hard to do. 

Muscle Recovery Soreness?

Cold down is pretty important. It will help with both soreness and recovery. See, with all the lactic acid, by stretching and cooling down you will be able to get rid of it.  Now don't expect to never be sore, but it will go down. You will notice how stronger and painless you feel after your cool down. It will decrease, not eliminate, soreness and help you recover faster. With increased blood flow, you will recover way faster since you muscle is getting fed with more nutrients at a faster rate.

If you consume your PWO right after you stretch, you will have increased blood flow that will help you. Also consider the effect of the cool down.  Instead of lowering its temperature and other factors dramatically, your body lowers them gradually, which lets it take it easy, and get out of the shock you just put on it during the intense workout.

Always remember that nutrition and training is important, but faster muscle recovery and less soreness is always beneficial and a part of the 'game'. By cooling down gradually you body is in a smaller chance of getting in a injury after your workout.  Sure you are done lifting, but you are not done breathing. Make sure that cooling down becomes a part of your daily workout routine. It doesn't have to take hours, just a brisk 10 minute cool down will greatly help your body.
Now remember that supplements only help aid your progress. They don't make your physique but rather help you shape it and boost it up. Never rely on supplements, but always be smart and use them to boost your progress.  Use them as a tool. During today's market, you can see tons and tons of supplements on the market. Stores and the internet are filled with them. Some help you lose this, some help you gain that.

Always rely on training, nutrition and recovery for succeeding in what you do. But never forget supplements because they can help you overcome and give you a slight boost in times of need. Always use them smartly and follow all directions on labels and never abuse them. Here are some of the best supplements that will help you recover and meet your goals. Remember that Bodybuilding.com/store offers all of them at affordable prices and best quality. 

No matter what, I strongly suggest supplements, and the best place to get them for an affordable price and excellent quality is the Bodybuilding.com. There you will find everything you need, filled with tons of articles and places that can give you a very close look in the world of supplements. Although famous, these few supplements are very effective and not that expensive.

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